
What are the Best LVN School and How Do I Apply?

licensed vocational nurse
 The medical field is hotter than ever and the growth in demand for qualified nurses amplifies every year. If you are looking for a career that will be stable, offers great benefits for you and your family, and pays a great salary than becoming a Licensed Vocational Nurse could be just what you have been searching for. Becoming licensed to become an LVN isn't as difficult or involved as it sounds. This guide will eliminate the time consuming research you would normally have to do comparing vocational nursing schools and programs across the internet and will help you answer many frequently asked questions about the process of finding an LVN program or school that will fit your specific needs.

Long Beach City College, California

Long Beach College
 Based on extensive research, labor statistics, and what other students had to say one of the two best LVN programs available is the vocational nursing program offered through LBCC. This well ranked Program is highly focused on instilling strong communication skills and hands on training techniques which is one of the reasons their graduate's go on to be so successful.

 The steps to apply for the Long Beach City College Program are only two fold. The first step involves scheduling and attending an informational meeting with an Admissions Counselor as well as satisfying a relatively long list of the below listed Pre-Requisites. The second step is to complete the application and wait for a decision on acceptance from the Admissions Department.


In order to apply to the LBCC nursing program, the school requires that you are already a licensed CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) and have met the Writing Proficiency test they administer starting in Fall 2014. In lieu of having a valid CNA Certification from the State of California applicants can also complete the following other Pre-Requisite courses to satisfy the school's requirement prior to admission: Pharmacology (VN 225/ADN 225), Transitions to Vocational Nursing - VN 220 and, Biology 60 - lecture.

Additionally the following requirements must be satisfied prior to admission:

1. Schedule an assessment test for Reading and Math competency
2. Valid High School Diploma or GED
3. If other College attended, must have cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
4. Must have completed and passed with a grade of "C" or higher the following high school courses prior to admission: English, Anatomy 1, Physiology 1, Biology 2, Psychology 1, and Sociology 1
5. Attend informational meeting with Admissions Counselor

North Central Texas College, Texas


The North Central TX College LVN program is another fantastic choice, and one of the most flexible and accommodating in the country. Choose from 4 scenic and beautiful in person Campuses, or take part in the convenient online distance learning option for the Program. Students enjoy a challenging and intense combination of in Lab Clinical Training paired with small group and lecture style learning on theory and application.

There are 3 easy steps to applying for the program through NCTC. Step 1 involves attending one of the college's frequently hosted short Advisement Sessions. These sessions are held on the Gainesville Campus in the Little Theater in Building 100. There is no need to make a formal appointment ahead of time to reserve your spot at the session. At this session you will receive an information packet, the full paper application (which you will need to complete and return), and an auditory informational overview of all the facets of the LVN training program. To get a schedule of upcoming sessions, contact an Admissions Representative (see contact info at bottom of last paragraph). After thoroughly reviewing all the material in the information packet you were given.

 The 2nd step will be to schedule and take the PAX entrance exam. This is the method the Admissions Staff uses to evaluate each applicant and each exam covers questions on mathematics, reading comprehension, and grammar. Only the highest scoring applicants will be accepted into the program.

 The last and final step is simply to wait. Once you take your PAX Exam, the Admissions Team will evaluate your test scores and notify you once they have finished reviewing about whether you were accepted into the LVN Program or not. Do not call or email to inquire about the status of your application as it is against the law to provide this information in this way. When you register to take the exam, you will be given your very own online portal that you can use to check whether or not you passed and were accepted. This is where NCTC will notify you of your acceptance, so be sure to keep an eye on it periodically.


All applicants to the NCTC vocational nursing program must have a GED or High School Diploma and pass a standard criminal background check. It is also a requirement that paperwork is filed with the Texas State Nursing Board for any applicant that has a history of substance abuse, mental illness, or a criminal record. There are also several immunization requirements prior to admission including vaccines for: Measles, Tetanus, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, and Chicken Pox.

How Long Do Each of These Courses Take to Complete?

The LBCC course takes 1 year to complete if you are attending on a full time basis and spans 2 and 1/2 semesters which can be split up or altered for part time or other needs that apply to your circumstances. Although schedules can vary, most students do 2 full 8 hour days of Clinical Training, 7 hours of lecture based learning, and a several hours of research or special projects each week. To get the full scope of schedules and options that work best for your lifestyle speak with an Admissions Representative at Long Beach.

The North Central Texas College LVN program also only takes 1 year to complete and is spread over 3 full semesters. Students that attend full time adhere to a Monday to Friday schedule of 8 hours of learning and hands on training per day. Just like the Long Beach Program, NCTC offers flexible options for those needing to complete their study around their existing schedule.

Upon completion of either program, a graduate will be eligible to take the LVN Certification exam in all 50 States in the United States. For more information about tuition fees, expenses, please go to NCTC Expenses and LBCC Expenses.